Wing Commander Movie Novelization
Adaptation of the Wing Commander feature film.

Published by HarperEntertainment
Released February 3, 1999
Paperback format
252 pages
- 0-061-05985-4
- 978-0-06105-985-8
The egomaniacal alien Kilrathi have struck again, savaging a peaceful planet at the edge of space. And worse, they have captured a NAVCOM device that will lead them straight to Earth!
Chris Blair and his pal Maniac are “nuggets,” cadets fresh from the Academy. Their first ship, the Tiger Claw, has an awesome mission: Recover the NAVCOM and stop the Kilrathi at all costs.
But Blair's fighting wing - Earth's last hope - is seething with internal strife. For somewhere along the thin red line of heroes a traitor lurks!
Also available in an abridged version for younger readers.
The original solicitation for the Wing Commander film novelization listed a hardcover edition which was not printed.
- Wing Commander Das Buch Zum Film (German)
- Wing Commander La Pelicula (Spanish)
Wing Commander Das Buch Zum Film (German translation)

Illustrated by Unknown
Published by Bastei Lubbe Verlag
Released 1999
Paperback format
319 pages
- 3404232186
- 978-3-40423-218-5
Rather than use a movie screen capture, the German publisher has adopted the Baen-style cover layout (complete with an appropriate piece of slush artwork). It's also worth noting that the movie novel was the fifth Wing Commander book published in Germany (it was the eighth in the United States).
Wing Commander. La película (Spanish translation)

Translated by Ramón Martínez Castellote
Published by Timun Mas
Released September 2000
Paperback format
272 pages
- 84-480-4500-9
- 978-84-480-4500-5
Dentro de 600 años, la batalla por la Tierra está a punto de iniciarse…
La raza alienígena de los kilrathi ha vuelto a atacar y ha arrasado un pacífico planeta en los límites del espacio conocido. Lo que es peor, han capturado un artefacto de la NAVCOM que les llevará directo a la Tierra.
Chris Blair y su compañero Maniac son cadetes recién salidos de la Academia. Su primera nave, el "Tiger Claw" tiene una misión tremenda: recuperar el NAVCOM y detener a los kilrathi cueste lo que cueste.
Pero el ala de caza de Blair -la última esperanza de la Tierra- está dividida por disensiones internas. Porque en algún lugar de esa pequeña fuerza, acecha un traidor. Este libro da origen a la película del mismo título.