Wing Commander Fleet Action

Illustrated by Paul Alexander
Published by Baen
- February 1, 1994 (First Printing)
- May, 1995 (Second Printing)
- December 26, 2016 (eBook)
Paperback format
296 pages
- 0-671-72211-5
- 978-0-67172-211-1
eISBN: 978-1-62579-548-9
The Kilrathi Empire is in a bind. For the last five years they have been constructing a secret fleet so powerful that it will slice straight through to Earth and destroy the Confederation. There is a problem, however: the Confederation has become increasingly successful with its behind-the-line raids and the Prince fears that before the new fleet is ready, the Empire will be on the ropes.
At a Kilrathi council of war a simple solution is agreed upon: sue for peace, lull the humans into disarming and then when all is ready, launch a surprise offensive.
True to the tradition of democracies everywhere, the Confederation falls for it; the military stands down. Luckily for the human race, however, there are a few people who don't trust soft words from a Kilrathi mouth. Admiral Tolwyn and his veterans must fight a delaying action, buying time with their lives for humanity to make ready for the final battle....
Fleet Action had two print runs, the first in February 1994 and the second in May 1995. The second printing does not have the raised Wing Commander lettering on the cover. Fleet Action was included in the Premiere Edition of Origin's Wing Commander III, and was also bundled with some copies of the regular Wing Commander III game in Canada.
Alternate version? ISBN 1555940307 / 978-1555940300, listed as an import on Amazon. Update: every 'alternate' copy I order is the original book with the original SKU; not sure why extra ISBNs are listed in the world.
- Wing Commander Flotila útočí (Czech)
- Wing Commander Die Geheimflotte (German)
- Wing Commander БИТВА ФЛОТОВ (Russian)
Wing Commander Flotila útočí (Czech translation)

Illustrated by Jan Patrik Krásný
Published by Poutnik Knihy
Released 2001
Paperback format
337 pages
ISBN: 8085892588
Wing Commander Die Geheimflotte (German translation)

Illustrated by Paul Alexander
Published by Bastei Lubbe Verlag
Released 1995
Paperback format
317 pages
- 3404231600
- 978-3404231607
Wing Commander БИТВА ФЛОТОВ (Russian translation)
This is the third Russian translation, from Fleet Action. It was announced for 1997 but not published.

Illustrated by Unknown
Status: Unpublished
Publisher: ACT
Hardcover format
Империя килратхов сумела оправиться от поражений, нанесенных ей землянами в затяжной космической войне. За несколько лет в глубокой тайне был создан новый военный флот, способный прорвать оборону Земной Конфедерации и нанести удар по самой Земле. Однако вот в чем загвоздка: люди настолько преуспели в рейдах по тылам врага, что Военный совет килратхов вынужден всерьез опасаться, что прежде чем они введут в действие свой тайный козырь, ослабленная Империя падет. И тогда они решают сделать ставку на дипломатию: руководители землян уже неоднократно предлагали начать договоры о прекращении огня, так почему бы не пойти им навстречу?.. В результате адмирал Толвин и его ветераны остаются один на один с коварным врагом. Их задача - выиграть время и сохранить силы для решающей битвы... Военно-фантастический роман "Битва флотов" - это литературное переложение сюжета популярных компьютерных игр из цикла "Wing Commander". Книга выходит в августе-сентябре 1997 года.