SC 0650A

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SC 0650A
SC 0650A.png
Production Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
Type Plot
Series C - Masa
Disc CD2 (PC), Side A (DVD)
Run Time 1m9s
Scenes 65
Locations Captain Eisen's Cabin

SC_0650A is a cutscene from Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom. It plays when the player visits Captain Eisen's cabin after Masa C1. It is not included in the PlayStation version.


CAPTAIN WILLIAM EISEN: Enter. �Ah, Colonel, good to see you.

COLONEL CHRISTOPHER BLAIR: Well, guess now you'll have more time to answer your mail. Captain Paulsen said something about new orders.

CAPTAIN WILLIAM EISEN: I'm awaiting a transfer, that's the extent of my orders.

COLONEL CHRISTOPHER BLAIR: Oh, come on, sir. Someone's going to wake up and rescind this decision.

CAPTAIN WILLIAM EISEN: Confed's a different place today; running a space ship is a different job than it used to be. Who knows, maybe they're doing me a huge favor. Now, I appreciate your concern, Colonel. Tell the crew... the old man is looking forward to new challenges.





The DVD Version of Wing Commander IV includes much higher resolution versions of almost every cutscene from the CD-ROM release.


Wing Commander IV's cutscenes were dubbed for the French and German releases.






Shooting Script

A Wing Commander IV shooting script has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. A digital version (extracted below) was posted to Origin's Wing Commander IV website in 1996.

eisen's cabin - eisen (optional) -c2 once again, eisen's at his terminal. he flips the kill switch as blair walks in, but to blair's surprise, he looks surprisingly upbeat.

blair (grins) Guess there's more time for keeping up with your mail now. (beat) Captain Paulsen spoke about new orders.

eisen I'm awaiting transfer. Those are the extent of my orders.

blair paces, agitated.

blair Someone's going to wake up and rescind this decision.

eisen (beat) Confed's a different place these days. Running a ship is a different job than it used to be... (beat) Just might be they're doing me one huge favor. (beat) I do appreciate the concern, Colonel. Tell the crew ... the old man's looking forward to new challenges.


A collection of Wing Commander IV storyboards has been digitized from the collection of the University of Texas at Austin. Additional lower resolution storyboards have been preserved from Origin's Wing Commander IV website.

University of Texas

Origin Website