Star*Soldier Gloss: Page 53 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This is the Star*Soldier gloss for the fourth Port Broughton page:

CONCEPT: See the previous post!


  • The pictures on this page are the amazing promotional image of the TCS Midway from Prophecy and one of the 'prototype' renders from Gaia. I told you I would sneak them in!
  • "F-44X Rapier II Cavaliers" - I mostly avoided giving the new fighters letter designations, I'm not sure why the mood struck me here. The idea here is to casually mention that there have been a LOT of models of Rapier IIs over the years.
  • "3129th InSys" - Wing Commander's setting has hundreds upon hundreds of systems, thousands of people fighting in space every minute of the day for thirty years... and the unit designations we see are all really low. This is a slight attempt to fix that.
  • "Interview with a Frontiersman" - The article (supposedly a series of articles) from the Privateer manual.
  • "Heroic CrabSpider, frontman for the Kirankan Pulse-Funk Warcore group HamTwosLices" - I really wanted to make up some futuristic music. HamTwosLices is a hosting site connected to WCNews (here spelled in a way that tributes tHE lOVE aNIMALS from Victory Streak). Kirankan would be coming from the Kilrathi Kiranka clan. As for the rest... well, who really knows?

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