Invasion Gives Way to Corruption Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's a blast from the past: Major A Payne, co-author of the legendary Wing Commander Invasion mod for Star Trek Armada, has announced a new project! This one will be a mod for Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption:

As anyone who has the expansion will know the game features three fully playable sides as well as the unplayable pirate side (there are many sub groups but these are limited to ground based combat only), and also features a large scale tactical map, space based tactical 3d combat and ground based 3d tactical combat. With this in mind this list below details proposed changes which I'm hoping to make:
  • Disabling of ground based combat so that only the space based portion of 3d tactical combat is available.
  • Significant changes to the Galactic Map which I'm hoping will reflect a more WC style of planetary systems (also hoping to include the Sol system as shown in the film).
  • The stock three sides will have all ships and stations replaced as follows: Rebel Alliance will become the Confederation. Imperials will become the Kilrathi. Consortium will become either the Nephilim (most likely), or Border Worlds (undecided on this). Pirate units to be replaced by the Black Lance (but will be unplayable).
  • I will attempt to include the original selection of custom weapons and sounds from the WCI project as those are the only ones I currently have.
As it stands this project is now in its most early phase and whilst I will do my best to produce a complete mod I am still learning the more advanced side of things. I'll also use this thread for continued posting of any updates but can people please be patient. I won't make any release dates of any kind as there are always unforseen problems that may arise.

Oh and if anyone would like to help in any way then please give me a yell. I have a good selection of the models and textures from the ST Armada project, but there is always room for others and any help is appreciated.

Anyone willing to help can post here.

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