Point of Origin: Vol. III, No. 42 Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

This issue of Point of Origin (July 16, 1993) comes with a pretty gold seal - which means that the company has scored yet another prestigious award! Nothing earth-shattering in this issue - although there's an interesting reference to MetalMorph (here Cyber Morph) being "the Space Commander game for SNES." What could that mean?

A very special thanks to Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum for making this resource available and to Electronic Arts for sending them to him in the first place!

  • Kudos and Columns has the results of the recent Origins Awards: "Wing Commander II posthumously took title for Best Fantasy/Science Fiction Game of 1991. (They didn't have the awards last year.) Underworld I snagged the same title for 1992. Belated congrats to everybody involved in both projects. Ain't it a shame when awards slip worse than ship dates?" It also reports on good news from CGW's Reader Poll: "What's after World Circuit at #4? None other than Wing 2... In the action game category, Wing 2 remains firmly entrenched in the #1 spot. (note: Wing I was moved over to the 'Hall of Fame.')" And, finally, positive comments on future games from Joystick: "Wing Academy: 'It is possible to play any side, therefore you can be a Kilrathi and waste the Confederation. This option by itself should bring a hell of a lot of joy to those who, on a regular basis, regret to only play the good guys, when, deep down, they feel bad & nasty.' Privateer: 'Another stone suited to make ORIGIN even more monumental.'"
Point of Origin
Vol. III, No. 42 - July 16, 1993
Security Council Update
Kudos and Columns
New Hires
Pulse Check
Richard's Birthday Bash
ORIGIN Company Picnic a Success
Bringing Things Into Focus
Take 5
Party Pics
Dear Point Man

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