At Night, All Concordias Are Gray Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Klavs has something new to show off from his work on the Wing Commander Saga mod for FreeSpace 2! It's an awesome new take on the TCS Concordia. Suitable for framing... or, at least, desktop background-izing! He says:

I've been hard at work off the radar creating all new, never before seen content for WC: Saga. Some familiar stuff, some new stuff, but all with Saga's devotion to high quality. I've been authorized to release pics of this ship since it doesn't really give anything away about the campaign, just something I had a lot of fun making and convinced the guys (wasn't hard!) to put it in the game for me. I tried to put my own spin on the old Concordia, bringing the old ship a little more into the real world. Hope everyone enjoys it, and gets warm fuzzy memories of WC2 without getting TOO upset at the changes!

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