Summoned to Tourney!
Electronic Arts has arranged a little surprise for everyone - they've organized a sixteen-person Wing Commander Arena tournament for news site webmasters. It will take place Monday, July 30th at 11 PM EST... and I'll be representing! How does it work? Here's the official word:
The Tournie will start with 2 rounds of 16 person free for all up to 25 frags. The 8 editors with the highest frag count at the end of those rounds advance to the next round which will be 1 round up to 25 frags. The 4 editors with the highest frag count at the end of that match go to a 4 man free for all up to 25 frags. The 2 editors with the most frags go to a hosted "bear pit" match to see who can get to 20 frags first. There is going to be a splinter bomber ship in the pit with you and frags against him count as well. The editor who gets to 20 frags first wins the prize!That's right, a prize... but not for me, for the community! The winner gets an elaborate home theater setup to pass on to their readers, and the three runners up will have Xbox 360 Elite setups to give away! Wouldn't it be something if the Wing Commander community could take home one of those slots as bragging rights?
I'm not going to lie to you - I'm not a gamer. Just take a look at my gamerscore breakdown. Star Trek? The History Channel's Civil War? Feeding Frenzy? Any video gaming skills I have are arcane and useless. I may have an encyclopedic knowledge of Wing Commander continuity, but that's not worth much against fifteen professional video game players.
So, what's the plan? I'm going to spend the next five days training every moment I can, and I want you all to help me. How? Hunt me down and give me everything you've got wherever you can. It's many of your fantasies come true: kill LOAF over and over. My GamerTag is 'Bandit LOAF' - add me and let's practice!
Here's the list of competitors: EA Arcade, Kotaku, Game Informer, Xbox360Fanboy, PlanetXbox360, GamertagRadio, Unscripted360, KonsoleKingz, UncleGamer, Xbox360Achievments, 360Monster, Achieve360Points, Gamer’s Hell, Firing Squad and Bullz-Eye.
Now we make them sorry they were ever born!
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