Congratulations Contest Winners! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Now that 2006 is over, another annual CIC contest has come to an end. We've tabulated the votes and determined the winners for Web Site & Fan Project of the Year. The final tallies were even closer than usual, which means that a number of projects all contributed to the community in a big way. Although only a few can win, we appreciate all the people who were active over the past year and helped entertain thousands of Wing Commander fans with their creations. Good luck in 2007!

The Web Site of the Year winner is.. HCl's Wing Commander Editing Site! Over the last year, HCl added multiplayer and integrated high res videos to Prophecy. He also improved the patch he made that lets players take Armada online and assisted with fan projects such as Standoff.

The runner up for Wing Commander Web Site of the Year is.. Wedge's Wing Commander! Both of this year's winners tied for third place in 2005, but fans used Wedge's resource site more than ever in 2006. His streamlined site is packed with useful information and provides quick links for further research.

The winner for Fan Project of the Year is.. the WC4 Homeworld 2 Mod! Aaron Thomas put together this project at breakneck speed with beautiful results. Fans lined up to download a surprisingly complete test release only a few months after the project was first announced.

The runner up for Fan Project of the Year is.. the Das Erwachen (The Awakening) Fan Novel/CCG! Deacan, Hudson and team worked hard in 2006 to share his full-length Privateer 2-inspired story with the world. They are also hard at work on a customizable card game based on the universe created in his novel. Fans of Book 1 have a big year to look forward to: Book 2 - Stille (Silence) is being edited now and due for printing in the next few months!

Although we only do this once a year, everybody has an opportunity to contribute something each day. Thanks again to all of the many fans who worked hard to make 2006 such a great year.

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