WC4 Homeworld 2 Mod Preview Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Aaron Thomas has released a package to give anxious fans an early look at the WC4 Homeworld 2 mod. This test demo is mainly intended to let people play around and marvel at all the amazing things that have been added to the engine. Be aware that artificial intelligence has not been implemented and things such as multiplayer connections may not work properly yet. Lots of new ships, sound effects and interface graphics are all ready for you though.

To give the preview a try, start by downloading the 114 meg pack here. Make sure Homeworld 2 is already installed and that the downloaded file makes its way to the \homeworld2\bin\release\ directory on your hard drive. Run the file to automatically install and load the mod. Visit the Crius thread about the project to provide feedback, get help or suggest an official name for the mod.

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