Wing Commander Fan Strikes With Daring Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Forums member A.Non has been quietly working on his WC1-era story over in the Fan Fiction Zone. The prologue and five chapters of the first episode, Incursions, are up for your enjoyment. The story began a year ago this month, and Mr. Non has kept up with it regularly ever since.
He sat by the small square table, grateful for a moment's privacy. The transport seemed to have stopped briefly every other system in order to deliver or pick up other people proceeding to their respective assignments. The transport had left Earth roughly two weeks ago, and so far he had shared his two man cabin with a marine seargeant, a pale faced youth joining his first ship, a corvette, a doctor proceeding to a military hospital and a loud mouthed technician heading for the McAuliffe dockyard itself.

The story is titled "Strike With Daring." You can read the completed portions and provide feedback at here.

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