Heart of The Tiger Movie Released! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Queeg has managed to turn Wing Commander III into a full length movie. His 'Heart Of The Tiger' Movie Project uses selected video scenes and actual gameplay footage to deliver the complete experience in one neat package. This very impressive effort turned out a whopping two hour & twenty minute final video. Several similar attempts are in the works for different games, but this is the first such project to produce a finished product. You can download it here. At 680MB, this is the largest single file that we are currently hosting. A download manager like Getright is recommended to reliably download something this size, even if you are on broadband. Edit: Make sure you have the xvid codec installed.
Hi, I've been into Wing Commander for a few years. I started off with WC3 and loved it, then went onto IV and Prophecy, but Wing Commander III is my favourite. I wanted to create a Wing Commander III movie. I found this website recently and figured the best place to share the movie would be here.

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