'Dirty Money' Erased From Ultima Online Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

EA has cracked down on the illicit gold trade in Ultima Online this week, and new measures are in place to prevent certain exploits in the future. A whopping 15 trillion (15,000,000,000,000) gold pieces were removed from the total UO economy and almost 200 offending accounts were banned. GameSpot ran the numbers versus current prices for UO gold on eBay and determined the real world value of the seized gold to be at least US $15 million and as high as $60 million. When the developers closed a loophole that allowed people to accumulate so much gold, a number of legitimate users were affected. The instructions to tell proper players how to find their money seem hilariously complex.
We realize that some of checks for amounts over one million gold were created by players who did not intend to exploit or harm the game. The vast majority of these checks have been automatically replaced with separate checks equal to the total amount of the replaced check, which can be found in a brown bag where the original check was located. If the check was inside of a container, you will find the brown bag in the same location as that container. Please note that in some cases the brown bag will be underneath the container, so you will need to move the container to access the bag. If the check was in your backpack or in your bank box, the brown bag will be located in your bank box.

In some cases, this may cause your bank box or your house to hold more than their item limit. Don’t worry; the new checks are still safe! However, before you will be allowed to place anything more into your bank box or lock down an item in your house, you will have to remove enough items from your bank box or unlock enough items from your house to bring the total number of items below the item limit.

In rare cases where we could not safely convert these checks, the checks were automatically placed in a red secure container with the label, “Please contact a GM about this item.” These containers will not decay, so you may page a GM at your leisure to convert the checks. Please note: If these containers reside in a house, the house owner must be present.

And so on.

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