Darkstar One Demo Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

On Friday, GameSpot premiered the demo for Darkstar One. The game is a space combat sim that we've mentioned in the news several times, because of the number of previews have compared it to Wing Commander. With this publicly available try-out, you can now see for yourself. GameSpot's video preview mentions Wing Commander quite a bit and demonstrates the gameplay in detail. Both commentators in the clip lament the absence of joystick support, but they're not surprised that a modern space sim such as this has built itself around more popular control schemes in 2006. Nevertheless, players seem to have slightly more control over flight than in Freelancer, and the graphics and art style seem fairly sharp. Space sim fans should try out the demo here (950 megs). Thanks to Charles Hall and music_guru/Goliath_GG.

A new entry in the space-combat genre isn't an everyday occurrence. DarkStar One is a modern update on the old-school space combat and adventure game that used to be a staple on the PC a decade ago, with games such as Wing Commander: Privateer. And like in that game, DarkStar One lets you fly around the galaxy in a customizable spaceship, battling pirates and other foes while also buying and selling on the open market.
Edit: t.c.cgi let us know that joystick support is actually included. Just enabled it in the options menu first.

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