Privateer Remake Update Released Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Version 1.1 of the popular Privateer Remake project has now been released by the team. The release incorporates various bug fixes and modifications to make the game play more like Privateer. The complete list of changes is too big to include here, so here are the items nearest the top of the list.

- "t" no longer targets everything. "t" only targets ships, and you must use "n" or the nav map to select destinations for navigation.
- Radar targetting cone limitations are implemented when playing on medium and hard difficulty. This means that you must turn your ship to place the target near your front before you can use any of the targetting keys to select it.
- The faction of your target is no longer displayed on the targeting MFD. Use the communication choices to determine what faction you have targetted.
- The universe state is mostly reset when you land and launch again. This should avoid massive groupings of ships.
- Asteroids are destroyable, impart more collision damage, and in general behave a lot better than asteroids in 1.0. They also require more computer resources, and in some systems contaning a lot of asteroids, the 1.0-style asteroids will be used for performance reasons
- Cargo and mission pricing has been tweaked.
- Enemy flight AI has been made more Privateer-like.
- Milspec ships are no longer available for purchase.
- Torpedo mounting capability per mount has been reduced from 20 to 10.
- 2D wireframe images have been added for all targetable objects.
The complete list can be found in this thread and any comments or problems should be reported in the Remake forum. Full downloads and patches for version 1.0 for Windows, Linux, and MacOS X can be found on the downloads page.

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