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Over the last couple months we've reported on a variety of Wing Commander role playing games that are currently in operation. Most of the active ones have now been covered, so here's a round-up up to save time searching the archives. A few have changed since the original updates and some failed to take off, so the results have been narrowed down a bit.

Battle for Enigma was one of the first groups to help kickstart our recruiting drive earlier this year.
Wing Commander: Battle for Enigma is a free-form RPG based on character development and telling stories. We don’t roll dice or use any other kind of system aside from the honor system. Our game has been active since December of 2001, and we meet every Sunday at 9pm EST. In between meetings, role-playing continues on our message boards (which have logged a little over 6,000 In-Character posts since ’01). We are one of the most active, if not the most active, Wing Commander RPG around and we take a lot of pride in that. People can join either by posting in the open chat section of the message board, using the form on our website, or PMing me directly.

Wing Commander: The Edge of Chaos is one of the oldest Wing Commander RPGs in continuous operation.
Going strong since 1997, Wing Commander: The Edge of Chaos is an interactive role-playing game focusing on the character and story development of pilot life post-Wing Commander IV. Beginning during the final bloody days of the Terran-Kilrathi War, The Edge of Chaos has continued into the year 2676. The Edge of Chaos deals with life after the Terran-Kilrathi War and new threats in the frontier regions of space. Based on our own IRC server, the WCRPG is one of the oldest and most active role-playing games in the Wing Commander community. With weekly sessions, high quality story posts on our forums, and dozens of members, both new and old, The Edge of Chaos is here to stay. Those interested can easily join by going to the forums at

Wing Commander Against All Odds is a spin-off project from the original Wing Commander Galactic Conflict, which is no longer in operation. Main events take place at their primary message board, where capital ship movements and large scale events are created. Subforums handle individual characterization and interaction.
Unlike many RPG's, Wing Commander included, AAO focuses on Fleet and Capital Ship based combat, rather then the more often preferred role of a signal character. While some may believe this detracts from the chance for a person to get in character, we at AAO disagree. There are many chances for our players to get into character with Forums such as the Logbooks and Communications Forums on our boards. If you'd like to join WCAAO it's as simple as following the link to our Forums and registering there, where our members will happily assist you in getting started with the RP.

Holding the Line is the most active ongoing fan fiction project on behalf of the ten year old Wing Commander Aces Club. They have accumulated over two hundred stories in their massive archive. Although they're wrapping up now, many of the writers involved in this project will surely begin something new when the story concludes.

Scorpion's German Wing Commander RPG Club has close to one hundred members, and they're looking for a few more. They've been in operation for about six years. German speakers can find out more on our Forums or at

Another fan role playing game that has been around for a while is the Black Lance HQ. They use both message board and occasional chat style sessions to carry out their stories. In the past the club has also written various bits of fan fiction. Some parts of their web site are out of date, but they have been consistently trying to hold weekend story sessions for some time. They occur on Saturday evenings in #black-lance on beginning around 9:30 Eastern US time. Information on their backstory and how to join can be found at their website. They've added more detail about their recent activities here.

The Gemini Starfarers' Group conducts its story driven campaigns over LiveJournal. The blog catalogs the adventures of a few adventurous merchants and privateers in the Gemini Sector. They have a website with more information that we left out in the original update.

Wing Commander Wars is an Italian virtual Wing Commander community that engages in various role plays. The Wing Wars game takes elements from Star Wars, Wing Commander, Dune and others to create a fantasy setting. There are links at their site for additional backstory.

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