Creative Wing Commander Pencil & Paper Game Developed Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Lloyd Krassner from Warp Spawn Games has created a pencil & paper Wing Commander project for people interested in some board game fun. It takes place on a regular chess board, and people are responsible for drawing their own pieces and cards on paper mock ups. I'm sure some super creative people could print out pictures of ships to use in place of more basic representations. The rules might remind you of the official Customizable Card Game. You equip pilots and weapons and draw maneuvers in a similar fashion. A few moves are taken from traditional chess style play. Each side starts off with eight fighters and must destroy the opposing team's Wing Commander designate. If you've got a bunch of spare time, following the instructions and making your own game set looks like it'd be a lot of fun. You can find the complete rules and directions here. We've mirrored the file here in case something happens to the Angelfire site.

A Warpgame is a subset of war games. These are NOT computer-based games!!! These are old-fashioned, low-tech, paper-and-pencil affairs requiring some modicum of imagination to play. Included here are the rules (and just the rules, ma'am). If you want to play, you will have to make your own maps and pieces, as well as purchase a lot of funny looking dice. These games are FREE. All I ask for is some feedback. Please send your suggestions and comments to:

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