Old Chris Roberts Interview Resurfaced Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

TC dug up an old interview at Salon.com that talked with Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts at the time of the launch of the Wing Commander movie. I think it's one we originally missed. If not, it's been nearly five years since the article was published so most people should find it an interesting read. Part of what makes it stand out is its position in time for Roberts. In mid 1999 he was still with Digital Anvil and working on Freelancer, but he talks about his love of movies. As time would progress, Roberts would leave DA to exclusively make movies. He's currently executive producer of the upcoming Punisher film.

Besides "Wing Commander" sequels, are there other movies you'd like to direct?
Definitely. I don't think anyone's done a great fantasy film yet. I hope "Lord of the Rings" turns out really well -- I'm actually quite jealous of ["Rings" director] Peter Jackson. I love swashbuckling and sword fighting, like "Zorro," and I love World War II. [Directing] a "Saving Private Ryan" kind of thing would be cool. I'd like to not get pigeonholed as the guy who does science-fiction stuff.
You can find the full interview here.

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