EuroGamer Reviews Prophecy Advance Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

The prominent European gaming website has recently posted its review of Prophecy Advance. Eurogamer gives the game a disappointing rating of 6 out of 10, citing problems with control, gameplay and an over-abundance of text. The positives of the review seem limited to the game's graphics, which, in the reviewer's opinion, Raylight has done a "sterling job" on.

We weren't particularly sure this was a genre that could be pulled off at all well on the GBA for the very reasons that have been outlined above. Wing Commander Prophecy is at times a wonderful effort and a tremendous tech demo that kept us entertained for all of a couple of hours, but that's all it eventually feels like - a tech demo. As a game, it's woefully shallow and it left us wanting something more.
The complete review is available here.

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