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I've heard it said that Lego brings out the worst in us... and the best. Let it be said of HellcatV that he gave his best...

In the spirit of seeing some _glorious_ lego models up, I scanned in my age old lego designs that I still have sitting in my room...

These are step-by-step lego instructions for all you Lego maniacs (note the relation to Todd Marshall) to build all your favorite ships from Epees to Excals...from Hellcats to Hornets from Arrows to Stilettos (I'm very proud of the Hornet... considering it is such a hard ship to make of Lego)... Hope you enjoy and post 'em... and anyone who has trouble fabricating them IRL should E-mail me...I'd take digicam pix, but I don't have physical access to anything but the plans I drew up right now--maybe in the future...

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