Wing Leader Improves Explosions & Adds Neat Translation Effect Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Here's a couple of impressive videos that show off Howard Day's latest graphical wonders in Wing Leader. The first clip is a neat trick where the dashboard text translates from Kilrathi into English as you swap into the cockpit view. There are also some additional sparks and fire effects that accompany damage and destroyed objects. Pretty stuff!

Wing Leader update! Thanks to some goofy-ass string coding and the use of the "Circle Number" Unicode character set (⓪ ① ② ③), I've got auto-translate working in Kilrathi cockpits! Every time the camera angle switches, the text changes to English. It's pretty nifty. Enjoy!
Okay, so I spent some time on Friday to make some sparks for the explosions - I also set up the debris to have flickering fire on it when it first explodes! I'm locking the scale of the facing cards, and scaling/offsetting the UVs to do hardcoded scaled pre-made sprites!

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