Playstation 2 Backwards Compatibility Option Improves WC3/4 Textures
StarvingPilot shared a cool tip for anyone with a Playstation 2 and PSX Wing Commander 3 or 4. There's a neat backwards compatibility feature for people who have the original Playstation versions of these two games. The PS2 supports "fast loading" and "texture smoothing" that adds bilinear filtering. This means the textures appear slightly less blocky and pixelated. If you've got the right hardware, it's a neat trick to check out!
I found that texture smoothing can be enabled for old PS1 games. This includes the PlayStation version of WC3 (tested), and possibly WC4 (which I don’t own). This is done for any PS1 game without emulators on original hardware, although I imagine anyone running a PS emulator has been doing this for years.Here's a video on how to get it set up:To get to the option, just enter the main menu for the console, highlight Browser and press triangle to enter the Version Menu. Using the menu options, Texture Mapping can be changed to Smooth.
I tested WC3, and sure enough it worked! The smoothing is pretty rudimentary, but it’s cool to enable a feature that nobody anticipated being available when this game was developed. Screenshots included, but they aren’t great.
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