Advanced Tinkering Leads to Improved WC4 Comms in New Remake Demo Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Development of the WC4 Fan Remake is picking up again, and the team has a new update today on comm videos. If you were thinking the clips that play in the communications VDU were simply upscaled, that's just the tip of the iceberg! It was quite a process for AllTinker to extract the colorful Playstation versions and then sync them with the PC version which are higher resolution. They aren't even cropped to the same frame. Then all of that was given to ODVS for an advanced enhancement based on color channels. It was quite a process, and you'll need to read the full article at WC Respace for the details. There's also a video that walks through the comparison.

Oh, and last - but not least - there's a whole new playable demo! Grab it here (886 meg exe). It showcases these new comms, and also a whole bunch more:
  • Prioritize GPU based on maker if multiple are found
  • Support for 128 button joysticks
  • Support for joysticks/throttles with zero POV hats
  • Fix for taking screenshots with AMD cards
  • Fix for score tracking when critical components are destroyed
  • Reduce memory usage on cards with limited VRAM
  • Support for multiple language tracks (playing with -ger will give you a german trailer audio)
  • ...and color comm videos.

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