New Hellcat Take Explores Wildcat Lineage Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

NightBall06 has created a neat design based on a popular bit of speculation. He's taken Klavs' hypothetical Wildcat, of Action Stations fame, and translated it into a modern Hellcat. Based on the real life Wildcat/Hellcat similarities, this has been a recurring thought experiment for people as they get to take a bit of artistic license without straying overly far from classic Wing Commander stylings. What do you think? Hit the comment button below and help NightBall make it even better!
Hey guys, lately I have been doing an evolution study on Klavs' incredible Wildcat. When I first saw his model, I did like it a lot, but I felt it too big as a Hellcat. So I wanted to do it myself, but since I am no 3D artist, I had to Photoshop my way through it... I hope you like it nonetheless.

My thoughts were: What would ConFed do after the battle for Earth while in desperate need for new fighters? They would take what they could find and update it with the latest tech... So my goal was to keep the basic elements of Klavs‘ incredible design, while "developing" it further and also getting closer to the original in-game Hellcat.

I’d be glad for some feedback...

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