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Dark Sentinel has managed to once again create one of the most detailed Nephilim capships ever rendered. The subject today is a dark and brooding Orca class destroyer. It's followed up by a smaller Barracuda corvette. Both have a creepy lifelike quality that glows through a tough exterior shell. Soon we should get to see how it looks in the Vision Engine!
Let us talk about destroyers.
Or rather, to hell with that, ALL PILOTS TO YOUR SHIPS THIS IS NOT A DRILL.

Done in 46337 triangles and 2x1024x1024 textures. And well, bump+glow for this render. Destroyed components include hangar and both plasma guns, so with a total of 10 (4x missile turrets + shield emitter / bridge / engine + launcher + 2 plasma weapons)... I think I'm safe here. I have some ideas on how to make the glowing windows and it actually works, but I need to see if it looks okay ingame.

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