RSI Ship Specs Published Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

In order to help decide which ships to "add on," Roberts Space Industries has published a very elaborate ship design document. It details the game's five starter ships plus how engines, upgrades, hardpoints and weapons will work. There's so much information that a simple summary doesn't do it justice. One cool aspect is a quick comparison to familiar sci-fi ships. The Aurora is like the Privateer Tarsus or Straith, the 300i is comparible to the Centurion or Icarus, the Hornet is akin to the Stiletto or Freij, Freelancer to the Galaxy or Gea Transit, and finally, the Constellation is on par with the Paradigm or Salvia. Learn more here!

When you think handsome bounty hunter making his own way in a galaxy of enemies, you think the Constellation. The Constellation, a multi-person freighter, is the most popular ship in RSI’s current production array. Constellations are beloved by smugglers and merchants alike because they are modular, high powered… and just downright iconic-looking. The Constellation includes a manned turret, a large cargo area and a small flight deck capable of launching a snub fighter in its own defense.

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