Roberts Nears Milestone, Launches New Upgrades Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Chris Roberts has posted a new note to update fans on his new game's pledge campaign status after two weeks. As of Wednesday night, the combined tally stands at more than $1,950,000, which means the $2 million milestone will be met Thursday morning. A detailed list of stretch goals and what players have to look forward to at higher funding levels is coming tomorrow.
As I write this we are less than $50,000 from reaching the RSI goal of $2 million in overall pledges that makes Star Citizen a “go”. It’s unbelievable.

I’m proud to represent this cause and I’m tremendously humbled by the incredible community that has rallied to my side. Not just the donations–which have been astounding –but also the stories and the creativity I’ve encountered interacting with you in the comments and on the message boards and elsewhere. Like me, you have all seen Star Citizen, no matter what you may have called it, in your head for many years… and thanks to your collected efforts; I’m going to build it for you.

Pledge upgrades have also finally gone live at the main site. Supporters can click "Upgrade" next to their pledge under "My Account" to increase their contribution. Additionally, new $60 and $120 "all digital" tiers have been opened up, plus several "add ons" are now availble. The add ons allow fans to supplement their existing pledge with all of the other available ships. Finally, a new $2500 pledge level (titled "In the Distant Future...") has opened up, and it includes all five ships on top of other goodies.

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