RC Dralthi Takes to the Sky
Chris Carpenter has accomplished an amazing feat! He's built a remote control Dralthi that actually flies! This was no easy task - the fighter had to be designed and redesigned to both retain its characteristic shape and successfully maneuver in the air. Here's a few construction photos, but you have to see (and hear) this yourself to believe it! Check the video out on YouTube!
Notice the carbon fiber reinforcement along both wings. Also, the vertical stabilizers have angled cuts in the rear to allow for flight control movement. I think the flight controls are too small currently. That, plus the reduced area of the vertical stabilizers is causing the uncommanded roll.So, in the redesign I’m going enlarge the flight controls. I’m also going to split the controls around the vertical stabilizers and leave a small slot for a thin connector to pivot. It’ll make sense when I cut it. Still shooting to get the changes done and test it this weekend.
Here’s a video of the Dralthi in flight. I was almost scared that overnight it wouldn’t fly. I still need to work on the center-line balance. It doesn’t want to turn right because the battery is on the left part of the disc. I need to add a little more counterweight on the right. Surprisingly, it will do a loop.
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