DVD Review Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Well, I went against all odds and grabbed a copy of Wing Commander DVD from Circuit City today (and a shout out to my pal Samcat for making that possible). Here's my review...

Good: The video quality is far and away superior to that of the VHS version -- in particular, the CGI sequences look incredible. The interactive menus (by B1 Media are excellent! They're very animated -- very cool. The DVD's paper insert includes (in addition to the usual cast list) small cast bios (although Paladin's photo is wrong -- they used Gerald instead!).

Bad: At a list price of $34, this is an expensive disc... and although I wasn't expecting them, it would have been wonderful to have the extra scenes thrown in. That would have made the price more than worth it, and have given us a chance to decide whether or not it was confusing. Maybe if it sells well enough we'll see a special edition...

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