Cheating on Wing Commander IV Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Like Wing Commander I through III before it, Wing Commander IV included a command line cheat option... or four! Instead of 'mitchell' you now type 'chicken' for the familiar finger-of-death option. Here are all the options:

Start the game with "wc4 -chicken" at the command line to enter debug mode. You should see the message "Chicken mode: [ON] Boc Boc!" during game start-up. Ctrl-W destroys your target. Ctrl-Alt-W destroys all enemies on the radar. Alt-F displays framerate.

Start the game with "wc4 -mitchell" at the command line to get the message "Mitchell don't work here no more. He work for Bazooka Joe now." during game start-up.

Start the game with "wc4 -mitchell2" at the command line to get the message "I told you he don't work here no more! You call Bazooka Joe! during game start-up."

Start the game with "wc4 -test" at the command line to get the message "Test okay!!!" during game start-up. The game then crashes

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