The Origin of Cobalt 60's Musical Connection

Q: Another group you are working with, Cobalt60, is doing the soundtrack for the CD-ROM game Wing Commander V. How did that happen?A: Our record company sent copies of our first album to some people in the business and were contacted by Origin who showed interest in us writing songs for the game as they believed our type of music would fit the new direction of Wing Commander.
Q: Were you shown elements from the game to help with the scoring?
A: Yes, we saw most of the characters in the game, especially the aliens, and several animations. I was even allowed to read the script. We recorded the tracks at Origin headquarters in Austin, Texas. We decorated the studio with pictures of the aliens and the space ships of the game. Great designs. We were surrounded by aliens to write the music.
Q: On a year by year comparison, the video game industry makes more money than all of Hollywood's films combined. Do you think there could be a new audience for you hidden among the players of Wing Commander V?
A: Might be. But frankly, this isn't really my first concern. I think the music fits the game really well, and it was fun to do it and to be part of the making of Wing Commander. This is what counts for me. If this soundtrack can generate more public interest for Cobalt60 it would be really nice, but this is not the main issue for me, at least way less than it is for my record company.
Q: Do you play videogames at all?
A: Yes, and since a long time. I peculiarly like operating submarines and attacking convoys at night.
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