Vagabond says that we have better things to do than practice our salutes... but we don't have better things to do than collect salutes! We went through the games to pick out as many salutes as we could find--and they make great reaction images online! Can you find any of the ones we missed? Let us know and we'll add them to the collection!
Wing Commander I & II
In Wing Commander I you and Colonel Halcyon salute at medal ceremonies and funerals. Wing Commander II just has the wide shot at funerals.
Wing Commander III
WC3 has plenty of salutes, typically when characters are arriving or leaving the Victory.
... Blair also salutes in all 39 briefing videos, too. Eisen usually does as well, athough if he's annoyed he makes a point of not doing it. Blair salutes Tolwyn throughout the game but Tolwyn only retruns the salute once, before the Behemoth is destroyed. And then Rollins joins in only in the last missions off the Victory, either before Kilrah or Earth.
Wing Commander IV
Wing Commander IV is full of dramatic salutes, from the drunk in the bar on Nephele to Tolwyn leaving the Intrepid.
There are endless salutes during the transitions, too!
Wing Commander Prophecy
Like the original game, most of Wing Commander Prophecy's salutes are related to medal ceremonies.
Wing Commander Academy
Wing Commander
Finally, there are plenty of salutes in the movie! One scene even has Blair saluting Captain Sansky twice.
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