Strike Commander Remake Stuns
This is the kind of e-mail you like to find in your inbox: Rémi LEONARD is working on a modernized remake of Strike Commander and there's some wonderful progress to see! Strike Commander was Chris Roberts' major project after the original Wing Commander, a combination of a realistic F-16 simulator and an interactive movie styled after an '80s action flick. It was a great game but one that's often forgotten today.
Hello, I am Rémi LEONARD, currently developing a remake of Strike commander, i wanted to report somes updates in case you are interested.
The project is going well, I have implemented somes of the mission scripts logic (thanks to the mission design documentation of wing commander IV found on CIC. The game is starting to be playable, with the possibility to complete somes missions. I have released a gameplay video of the first mission on my youtube channel.
Strike commander Remake Gameplay First Mission
Feel free to take a look :)
Best regards
You bet we're interested! Strike Commander is a wonderful game that deserves a lot more attention than history has given it; I often remark that it's too bad there's not a "Strike Commander News" site equivalent to ours. I can't wait to see more of Rémi's work, I bet it will end up making the game much more accessible to new players!
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