Return to the 2000s With Discounted Wing Commander Games Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Good Old Games skipped Wing Commander in their recent fall sale, but they're now running a new Back to '00 Promo that cuts the price of the WC series in half. It's a funny link, because all of these games came out in the '90s, and the early 2000s were actually a really difficult time to run most WC titles. A lot of people had moved on to Windows 95/98/XP and didn't have a good setup for their DOS collection. New options like DOSBox and MyJEMM did appear and start to gain popularity by around 2005, but it took a while for everyone to catch up with emulation's processing power needs. Each WC game is marked down to $2.99, except for Privateer 2 which is $2.69! (Ditto for Strike Commander)

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