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Want to make the most out of your cargo runs in the Tri-System? Claude Tschepen has created the solution for you! He's built a very detailed, interactive Google Sheets project that helps you visualize your potential margins for any given cargo run. A great tool for checking between missions in case you just happen to be heading somewhere that especially wants human organs or furry rodents!

He writes:
I've spent a few dozen hours making a profit calculator in Google Sheets for trading in Privateer 2 which I use myself and have found very useful and therefore felt like sharing it with others.

It works on mobile and on desktop. Usually I have it open on my phone while playing.

Here's the link to my github repo with the file and usage info.

And here's a pic of how it looks:

It's pretty awesome that folks are still developing tools like this (and sharing them with the rest of the community). It should be an absolute life saver if you've been saving up credits for a Danrik or a Freij!

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