Wing Commander Album Campaign Zooms Past 50% Mark!
We were originally planning to mix up the news a bit to start the week off, but George Oldziey’s campaign is off to such a roaring start that it’s become newsworthy again! In barely over a day since going live, the campaign to create a new live album of Wing Commander music has hit the 50% funding mark! This means more than $8000 of the $16,000 target has been achieved. When combined with Matt Hiltner’s previously mentioned large donation, we are very much well on the way to making this a reality! Things are going so well that George is already starting to firm up plans for some of the hypothetical stretch goals that have been on his mind. No one expected to be talking about that so soon, but it’s a wonderful situation to be in. All of this is made possible by the ongoing support from so many dedicated Wing Commander fans. This is just the beginning; so we’re very anxious to see where things go next. For now, check out the Kickstarter to join in!
I'm literally blown away by the tremendous response in the early hours of the campaign. Thank you to all who have already donated so generously. If we keep up this pace I have lots of stretch goals in mind to make this even more fantastic!As I sign off for the day here on the East coast of the USA I am truly humbled and also startled and thankful about the initial response to the this campaign. We are actually more than a third of the way there, which is incredible! [As of this writing, now more than 50%!]
But if you could all still please share this with whom you think would be interested that would be fantastic. Sometimes these campaigns do great on day one only to have interest drop off over time. And I REALLY want this part of my artistic legacy out there for all of you.
I dreamt of this music being played with an orchestra back when I was first hired by EA/Origin. That orchestral sound was ALWAYS in my inner ear as I composed the WC music for the technology of the time. Now we have the opportunity, after all these years, to fully realize that sound.
Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for this opporunity. Let's make it happen!!
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