Wing Loader Releases Improved Enhancement Pack for KS Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Today we've got an exciting update to Wing Loader to share! Destro is back with a major overhaul to the project. As you may recall, Wing Loader is a mod to The Kilrathi Saga to fully add original (Sega CD) speech to the PC version of WC1. As the years have gone by, the scope has expanded to add things like the new Secret Missions from SWC and the bonus SM1 intro from the SNES. A huge upcoming development will be the addition of enhanced WC3 video to a future release. In order to facilitate that update, Destro has significantly streamlined and improved the functional code of the existing material. You can download the latest update here (350 meg zip) and follow the latest at the CIC Forums. You can also find detailed installation instructions here.

Version 0.90 - (Engine Re-Write) Released!​

Wing Loader aims to create the most definitive version of Wing Commander possible by supporting the most advanced versions of the game, mods such as WCDX and adding fully voice acted dialogue previously only seen in the SegaCD version of the game release back in 1994.

New in Version 0.90
- Complete Engine re-write.
- Greatly Improved performance and memory management.
- Memory Usage down from 831mb to 98mb!

All Conversations and in-flight coms added to the game!
In-flight coms added to all Secret Missions (Testing Phase)
Allows you to transfer your Pilots between addons.
SNES intro to Secret Missions 1 added!
Wing Commander 1.5 Mod Compatible!
Support for Wing Commander 2 & Wing Commander 3!

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