Happy CIC Halloween! Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

It's time for a new CIC Poll, and in the spirit of Halloween, we're asking what spooky-sounding Wing Commander fighters are the creepiest to you. Here's LOAF with a rundown!

Now that it's Halloween, it's time for the spookiest Wing Commander ships! It's enough to make an Ultima Online ghost say oooOOooOoooOOOOooOo!

Deep in the TCSNA TrainSim lurks a horrifying shadow, a mere reflection of that which was... a deadly WRAITH! (Wing Commander Academy, Armada)

Dare you enter the terrifying depths of... the Gemini Sector... knowing that therein lurks a DEMON?! (Wing Commander Privateer) But even more terrifying is that which haunts the Shiraak... the ghostly PHANTOM! (Wing Commander Armada, and it's actually scary because of the complete lack of cockpit visibility) And then, in the black cold of space came a terrifying sound... the deadly shriek of the BANSHEE! (also WIng Commander Armada) ... and also the... equally scary... other, unrelated BANSHEE. (Wing Commander IV) Happy Halloween from the spookiest class of spaceship in the Tri-System, the Jincilla SKULL! (Privateer 2: The Darkening) What's that? A cold breath touches your neck. You turn but it's too fast, you've already fallen victim to... the VAMPIRE! Alright, that's arguably more than enough of that... so I will leave you with a happy Halloween and a reminder that this Die Krupps song is actually about the spaceship:

The annual CIC Birthday poll has also come to an end. In keeping with previous demographic trends, more than a quarter of our audience has been with us since the beginning and another quarter arrived around the year 2000. Some ten percent are new arrivals though!

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