Privateer Music Remixed in Retro 8-Bit Style Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

LividLiquid has put together a super creative musical playlist for your listening enjoyment. She's taken the moody atmospheric music of Wing Commander Privateer and transformed it with an NES-style audio filter. I didn't even know this could be a thing, and it's amazing how much it actually does feel like this is what the game could sound like on an 8-bit Nintendo. As an extra bonus, each track also has an accompanying piece of Privateer location cover art with an appropriately reduced color palette. Hit the little playlist icon in the upper right of the embedded YouTube video below to flip through the different chapters. You can also jump straight to the playlist here. If these really hit your ear in the right way, you can even download the mp3 album (35 meg zip)!
I ran each of the Midi files Wing Commander Privateer uses for its music through an 8-bit soundfont one by one, and this playlist is the end result.

Some fared better than others, but a fair number of them sound custom-made for NES hardware. I'm really impressed with the results. Even loaded up my savefile and flew around taking screenshots, then used tool to make those look NES-era too. those too for all the tracks. Like the music, some of it came out the other end better than others, but the stuff that hits is really cool. It was a fun day off.

Special thanks to Ben, Chris, and the rest of the staffers and community Wingnuts at for keeping the lanterns lit all these years.

You can also compare this to the original sound on Roland hardware here.

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