Diligent Makes Its Appearance in Space Engineers Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

We've seen fans start to make some really cool stuff in Space Engineers lately, and here's another one! This time Psycho_Klops has built the Diligent from the Wing Commander Movie. This is a fairly unique design in the WC universe, and it's always great to see it get some love. The craft is the builder's favorite from the film, but I think the Concordia and a few others are close competitors as well. It's designed to be flown in Space Engineers' low gravity environments, and he's taken a bunch of appropriate planetscape pictures to match. It's pretty cool! You can download the model from the Steam Workshop here.

Thist is probably the only beautiful ship in the whole movie

Survival Ready, can only fly in low gravity.

All Tanks onboard are on stockpile, forget to change that before publishing it, just change it when you wanna fly the ship.

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