WC Themed Custom Pinball Machine Features 3D Printed Asteroids Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Speaking of pinball, today we have a peek at fantastic start to a custom Wing Commander pinball machine. The project was built by dotmos over at the FlipperMarkt Forums. It was designed with both Privateer and WC1/2 concept art influences in mind. There are traditional wood and electronics throughout, but he also fabricated 3D printed ramps and rocks to simulate navigating an asteroid field. Unfortunately he's been silent on the machine for a couple years, so we might not get to see the finished product, but this is so cool that we had to share what exists!

Ideas haunt my head from time to time to time, but I haven't really nailed it down yet. There are a few concrete ideas on some things... but this is not really recorded anywhere. I find it an interesting idea to choose the wingmen or anchor them in the game and have never really thought about it. Thank you for the mental impetus! So far, my ideas have always been more player-related (destroy a spaceship, escort a freighter, jump into a new system, change your ship, get a weapon upgrade, escape the Kilrathi), so more towards a Privateer than Wing Commander 2.

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