And the Winner Is... Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Votes have been coming in all month, and there's been a clear trend in the results. As January is coming to a close, we're ready to announce the winners! This year the numbers were pretty clear cut. With that being said, every project got a good handful of votes, which shows how there's something for everyone brewing in the community.

The top contender for 2021 was the Wing Commander 4 Fan Remake. While Wingnuts wait for a playable test, the team has provided a steady and informative pace of updates that tell people what they're working on. And these are formatted in short but slick articles with accompanying visuals to help provide a good sense of the state of things.

We have two established runners up this year. The first is ODVS' AI/Neural Net Enhanced Wing Commander Videos. We've seen more and more fans play around with the new WC3 language options lately, and it's been fun to see what may be possible with games like WC2 or Privateer 2.

The other runner up is Wing Leader. We saw another intense burst of activity this past summer with Howard Day adding new characters, shipboard locations and the Krant fighter to his prototype engine - all of which got a lot of positive attention. Congrats to all our winners!

Once again, kudos to all of the nominees who continue to do great things to keep the Wing Commander community excited and engaged year round. We're looking forward to seeing what everyone does in 2022!

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