Get Super Wing Commander Smarter With These Cutscenes Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

LOAF has been mining Super Wing Commander this month and has extracted lots of great cutscenes. Lots of fans are familiar with the classic Wing Commander remake, but there's a good chance they haven't seen these videos unless they've got a 3DO or vintage Mac. Check out a whole playlist for more and some highlights below!

I've put together some Super Wing Commander videos! Don't you just love that we-just-discovered-3ds-Max aesthetic? Here's a playlist with all the midgames plus all the takeoffs and landings!
For example, here are the winning and losing versions of a "mid game" cutscene. The Confed ships are an Exeter and Venture as they begin an orbital bombardment. The difference is whether we were able to hold up a Kilrathi missile shipment!
You've got to love these takeoff and landing clips!
Last, but not least, damage states!

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