Happy Birthday CIC!
On this day in 1998, we flipped the switch on WCNews.com and the Wing Commander CIC was born! It's been quite a ride full of fun, friends and fandom. Our first mission was to support the ongoing launch of Wing Commander Secret Ops, and then that transitioned over to lots of activity for the Wing Commander Movie. Although new products got more sparse in the 2000s, the community has filled the gap with all of their own incredible undertakings. The results have made the franchise better than ever. On our new platforms today (such as Discord) we're seeing record levels of activity and new Wingnuts are appearing all the time.
LOAF: Another birthday already?! That’s right, 23 years ago today ChrisReid and I started a fan site for our favorite game and it’s still running strong today thanks to an incredible team who are also my dearest friends. Hurray!Next week we'll be officially celebrating our 23rd Birthday during a big bash in #Wingnut. The formal party is on August 21, Saturday evening, at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT), but festivities will be ongoing all day. Come and join the fun!

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