Hardcover 'Moongate' Books Prepare to Ship
Andrea Contato has another exciting update for backers who have a copy of Through the Moongate, from Wing Commander and Ultima VII to Portalarium coming to them. All of the various rewards - not to mention the books themselves - have steadily arrived over the past few months and Andrea is now in the process of boxing up packages to fans. There's a lot of nifty stuff in there for Origin fans! On top of a trove of Ultima-themed goodies, the cloth artwork includes Wing Commander themes and there is a collectible bookmark designed by WC1/2 chief artist Denis Loubet. Hopefully this means the wait will be coming to an end soon! You can find more pictures here.
I'm working on shipping the rewards with HC books. Since I'm alone and I have to package 230+ books, it will take all this week and probably a fair amount of next week to complete the process. I'll post an update as soon as shipping will be over.Here are some nice pictures of what you are going to receive. I hope you'll like it.
Let me say again "Thank you" for your support, your trust, and everything. You are awesome. For those who are asking, I have future plans, but I'll talk about them when everyone will have their rewards for supporting this crowdfunding.
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