Challenge Coin Design Looks Promising
ZOmegaZ mocked up something pretty cool here. Challenge coins are collectible items with a strong connection to the military, so he figured they'd make a perfect WC tie-in. As custom build-to-print options have grown online, it's become increasingly possible for people to design and manufacture their own. ZOmegaZ's first cut at what a Wing Commander style coin would look like is pretty a sharp. It features the Confed star on one side while the reverse includes the Tiger's Claw. What do you think? Let him know if this might be something you'd be interested in if he manages to get a batch made.
So I've just become interested in challenge coins. I don't usually like random trinkets, but these are pretty neat. I have this crazy idea of making a kickstarter to get some Wing Commander challenge coins made, Vega Campaign design or something. Anyone else interested?First pass design is below. I think it looks pretty great! I think perhaps it needs a Hornet below the Claw, or something? Any other suggestions?
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