Wing Leader Preview Leverages Great Concept Art Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Yore Computer dug up an old August 1990 ACE Magazine preview of Wing Commander (then Wing Leader!). We tend to refer to '93-'94 era mag scans as quite vintage, but this is particularly ancient in WC terms. As this is such an early preview, it also's also an uncommon appearance of some of the game's early concept art. There's a very nice Hornet, Scimitar and Jalthi on the second page. Otherwise, it's always fun to read these time capsules that talk about groundbreaking 3D graphics and stellar cinematics. Newer players today might see the original WC games as nothing but retro, but they were truly impressive at the time! LOAF has some additional sharing on this topic:
It's always a treasure to see Wing Commander I concept art that didn't wind up in Claw Marks! Unfortunately it's very rare. A couple more from the game's original press kit:
A couple more that surfaced in a CGW supplement promoting The Secret Missions:
And extra bonus: turn the page and you get a review of Chris Roberts' RPG Bad Blood!

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