Kilrathi Saga Manual Reimagined for German Wingnuts Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Maze has put together a really cool Kilrathi war companion for German Wing Commander fans. It's heavily based off the Kilrathi Saga manual with a lot of borrowed imagery from a mix of games and fan projects. KS didn't get the same manual in Germany, so this is a really lavish and colorful treat for Wingnuts there. If you're on top of your WC documentation, you basically know what everything says, so it's actually worth everyone taking a look even as just a visual treat. Everything clocks in at 175 pages and nearly 185 megabytes. It's a PDF that your browser might handle, but I would strongly recommend saving to your desktop for proper viewing. Grab the "Wing Commander The Kilrathi Saga - Ultimativer Info Guide" here and have fun! Check out more sample pages and provide feedback at the CIC Forums!
Unfortunately there was never a complete Kilrathi Saga manual in German .. I have create a wonderful German eBook and upload it as a complete PDF file.

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