WC1 Text Cleaned Up With Gamedat Tweak Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Thanks in no small part to UnnamedCharacter's WC Toolbox, we've seen lots of fans undertake some pretty amazing WC1 hacks from inserting new ships to whole language conversions. YPersonified has another slick project, which is a straight clean-up of the original game's text and dialogue. WC1 has a handful of typos, misspellings, mixed up grammar and odd formatting. You might not have even ever noticed it, but there's room for improvement, and (after more than 30 years) YPersonified is doing the improving! Some examples are included below. You can try out what he's fixed so far by unzipping the contents of this file (211 k zip) into your gamedat folder. Help share feedback or point out additional items here.

Wing Commander - Improved GAMEDAT Files

The project of fan-edited GAMEDAT files from Wing Commander for better gameplay experience. The work is mostly focused on slightly demanding but basic editings like dialogue/conversation script issues, using features of Wing Commander Toolbox. Editing of fundamental or technical aspects is unfortunately beyond my level. Download and un-zip the files on GAMEDAT folder for application - recommend backing your original files up first. Feedback is always appreciated.


- BRIEFING files - WC(000), SM(001), SM2(002)
- Dialogue typos or apparent grammar errors fixed, missing punctuation marks added.

- Entry dialogue(gray-colored text) in several missions are now properly spaced for coherence.
- Several misgrouped sets of background image and talking-head fixed for coherence.
- Several missing lipsync phonetics added.
- Miscellaneous minor adjustments done.
Some of the tweaks are a matter of taste, such as the CSS Suffolk tweak. You can read about the debate on that point here.
- All lipsync phonetics in SM and SM2 are now replaced with new ones, properly reflecting written dialogue.
- All dialogue delay time in SM and SM2 scripts are reset and more facial expression codes are added for a natural pace of conversation.

- Several wing designations in conversations set to match with in-flight designations(MODULE files 001 and 002) to avoid discrepancy.

* Note: Unskipped 'Mission Briefing Conversation' may cause the infamous endless music loop - which you must manually skip to continue - depending on your DOSBox CPU cycles. May work on text delays in case you experience this in GOG.com default config of 4000 cycles.

- COMMUNIC files - WC, SM
- Script typos fixed, missing punctuation marks added.

Work In Progress
- BRIEFING.002 - Editing in progress (Lipsync phonetics, Delay time settings, Possible ideas for script improvisation)

There's also a video of a playthrough including these fixes!
While working on these files, I thought it would be nice to try entire playthrough and upload them steadily on Youtube for a showcase. Click on my playlist and check out the gameplay if you're interested.

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