Splashy X-Gen Preview Sets Up Wing Commander IV Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Yesterday we talked about WC4 rumors in the press, and today's the whole big preview. A lot of magazines got in to glitzy cover stories on Wing Commander 4 like this, which was fabulous to see on news stands in game stores in the mid '90s. Based on the success of WC3 just a year earlier, editors weren't going to miss out on this, and the January 1996 issue of X-Gen is a prime example of a flashy six-page preview of the game. They gush about the production values and technical benchmarks that the game sets. They also talk about how it was made with Playstation development in mind (WC3 was actually the first PSX game, shortly after PC WC4 shipped). The article also has some nice storyboard art and set photos, which can be somewhat uncommon for this shoot. Good stuff!

Blair, Maniac and Admiral Tolwyn return in the biggest games production of all-time. Wing Commander IV is the most expensive, most lavish videogames project ever undertaken, and for the first time, the latest instalment of the award-winning series will make an appearance on the Sony PlayStation. Dave Perry talks to executive producer Chris Roberts about working on the PlayStation, spending millions of dollars and breaking into Hollywood.

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